Sunday, September 7, 2008

On Republicans

They honestly believe in the bullshit they spew. It is terrifying and embittering.

Vote democrat...seriously.


Kirsi said...

i find your post hard to agree with. what exactly are you talking about?

misanthropic bastard said...

kirsi, do you mean you find it hard to argue with?

also, having watched both conventions, i think it's possible one might decide both candidates are identical, even both parties, ((1)change, it's coming. (2)I'll bring it. (3)my distinguished opponent is both a cad and a decent person whom I'm looking forward to meeting often. (4) I <3 America.) but one believes that babies shouldn't die and the other thinks that soldiers shouldn't. It turns out only one of those is a decision that's up to a federal government but expecting either of them to voice their own opinion when they're both saying the same thing is absurd.

Squid said...

I don't think they're both saying the same thing...and what I meant by it being terrifying was that The republican plan for the economy is basically "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" when we are on the verge of a depression. Should America really make that same mistake again? FDR had it right when he had all of the public works programs to create jobs, now we could create jobs in developing new energy instead of drilling in wildlife preserves...and yes that might include an increase in taxes, but isn't it worth it to get the entire economy up and running? And the war? I agree with Eliot, one doesn't want soldiers to die (democrats) and the other doesn't want undeveloped clumps of cells to die. If you're gonna put a price tag on life I'd say the developed version of the cells...the human is worth a hell of a lot more....I could go on but I'll stop for now.